This game looks pretty amazing! If I could ask, is this game an x86 or x64 executable?
And, if it's 64-bit, it would mean alot if you could consider adding an x86/ARM64 Windows version. I will support it regardless, looks like great work :)
From the short little game jam version that didn't even have music, to this absolute master piece that has you slowly unraveling a mystery deep in the burning tunnels of a ominous facility, All the while now backed up by a pretty badass soundtrack.
i love the puzzle element of putting out fire in the right order to turn on sprinklers that help you progress, meaning you cant just run around large burning rooms willy nilly but need to plan you advance or risk getting stuck in a corner with no water and a rapidly approaching inferno. And personally not knowing much about SCP lore really adds to the story for me since i am just as confused as my fire fighter is and i piece together the mystery of the facility along with him.
Its been really great coming back to this after playing the Game jam version, and there will always be a special place in my heart for the game that made me terrified of purple fire
I know the age of child/kid is 5 to 12 years old because a baby is 0 year old and a toddler is 1 to 4 years old and a teenager is 13 to 19 years old and an adult is 20+ years old
As mentioned in the game description, the recommended age for the Kid Mode is 3+. Toddler is generally a term used for 12-36 months children (source: Thus, “kid” mode seems more appropriate here to me. “Child” mode could be an appropriate alternative, but I preferred “kid” for no specific, nor scientifically accurate, reason.
Thanks everyone for participating this very important discussion.
It's the internet, where comments remain in perpetual purgatory. Considering that you lack the ability to understand how definitions work, is no surprise you are found lacking here, as well.
I can see that you believe the world revolves around your perspective (it doesn't). How you personally define age groups, with your rigid categorization, is not how the larger world views this, nor how the accepted definitions are determined.
(TLDR: Your world view is only your own, and you don't matter in the larger scheme of things. Get over yourself.)
I previously posted a clear official definition of what a “toddler” is (ref: wikipedia). You’re both free to make whatever you wish from that fact.
Now, please, if you both persist in this pointless debate, I will simply ban both of you :)
In the game description it said the full release would be available here on as well as steam, I saw it on steam today and was just wondering if there's a definite date for when it will be available for purchase here also?
Very fun game. Unfortunately, the controls were a little frustrating at times. Especially jumping into the fire when you actually wanted to put it out and running into the fire directly behind a door when you open it. I would also like to be able to extinguish fires while jumping or walking, but I can see that this limitation is useful and makes the game a bit trickier, like a puzzle game. But otherwise really great work!
Nice, I beat this, it was just the right amount of challenging and progressive difficulty that kept me coming back for more and more! Looking forward to the Steam release.
Magic trick candle fire? What? Reminds me of Piemations' Scented Candle short. I then realized that the fire seems to be similar to SCP-310:
Don't try to amnestize me. I noticed the purple fire! Although maybe it's not quite a victory, because I searched for "purple fire" in SCP and nothing useful came up.
I’m pretty sure many people just don’t care about SCP licensing when releasing a commercial title related to it. But it’s quite explicit about derivative work:
I just suppose that the SCP community just have no way to actually enforce their license, so commercial titles do happen. A good example is Control, which is strongly SCP related, but not officially related, because of this license (the devs did mention that in an interview)
The code is written in Haxe, the engine is Heaps and the level editor is the one I made, LDtk ( Everything is open source, including the game code :)
i have a windows and a linux machine. i tried the browser version in my LinuxMint 20.1 with chrome. maybe i guess the downloadable version wont have any problems like this.
Even though there is no sound I kept playing, this is so well made, graphically it's awesome, but also the 'sense of dread' the spreading fire gives is really present. And, it's super impressive you managed to create this in only 48 hours! Really, really good.
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Just finished the Hold my beer with 100% hardness. That was a trip!
This game looks pretty amazing! If I could ask, is this game an x86 or x64 executable?
And, if it's 64-bit, it would mean alot if you could consider adding an x86/ARM64 Windows version. I will support it regardless, looks like great work :)
Wow, this looks pretty damn good.
Holy crap has this come a long way!
From the short little game jam version that didn't even have music, to this absolute master piece that has you slowly unraveling a mystery deep in the burning tunnels of a ominous facility, All the while now backed up by a pretty badass soundtrack.
i love the puzzle element of putting out fire in the right order to turn on sprinklers that help you progress, meaning you cant just run around large burning rooms willy nilly but need to plan you advance or risk getting stuck in a corner with no water and a rapidly approaching inferno. And personally not knowing much about SCP lore really adds to the story for me since i am just as confused as my fire fighter is and i piece together the mystery of the facility along with him.
Its been really great coming back to this after playing the Game jam version, and there will always be a special place in my heart for the game that made me terrified of purple fire
Loved this game, and its kid mode :)
Note to non-windows users: this game can run on linux and non-M1 mac:
(or the mac version for mac) from +x NuclearBlaze)
Thanks for sharing!
Dude 3 years old is a toddler not a kid
im pretty sure kid encompasses everyone between the ages of toddler and young adulthood
No the age of a child/kid is 5 to 12 years old
im glad youre the dictator of who falls under the category of children
I know the age of child/kid is 5 to 12 years old because a baby is 0 year old and a toddler is 1 to 4 years old and a teenager is 13 to 19 years old and an adult is 20+ years old
Please everyone, keep calm.
As mentioned in the game description, the recommended age for the Kid Mode is 3+. Toddler is generally a term used for 12-36 months children (source: Thus, “kid” mode seems more appropriate here to me. “Child” mode could be an appropriate alternative, but I preferred “kid” for no specific, nor scientifically accurate, reason.
Thanks everyone for participating this very important discussion.
Why are you this way?
It annoys me that some people can't identify which age number belongs to which age group.
(It has been 3 years I'm surprised that this is still getting attention.)
It's the internet, where comments remain in perpetual purgatory. Considering that you lack the ability to understand how definitions work, is no surprise you are found lacking here, as well.
I can see that you believe the world revolves around your perspective (it doesn't). How you personally define age groups, with your rigid categorization, is not how the larger world views this, nor how the accepted definitions are determined.
(TLDR: Your world view is only your own, and you don't matter in the larger scheme of things. Get over yourself.)
"nor how the accepted definitions are determined"
So you can call anyone a kid even if their age number blatantly says that they are not a kid.
That's something.
I'm pretty sure i didn't define these age groups i just searched on the internet about them. (And age groups might be rigid but maturity is not)
I previously posted a clear official definition of what a “toddler” is (ref: wikipedia). You’re both free to make whatever you wish from that fact. Now, please, if you both persist in this pointless debate, I will simply ban both of you :)
is there sound?
Hi! Sorry, the 48h jam version has no sound. Only the new Steam version ( has a full soundtrack.
In the game description it said the full release would be available here on as well as steam, I saw it on steam today and was just wondering if there's a definite date for when it will be available for purchase here also?
Hi! Sure it’s in the works and should be available on shortly 👍
for some reason i cant figure out to move in the webGL version
Does pressing arrow keys does anything in this version?
how do I get through the door that when you open it fire explodes out
space down
Very fun game. Unfortunately, the controls were a little frustrating at times. Especially jumping into the fire when you actually wanted to put it out and running into the fire directly behind a door when you open it. I would also like to be able to extinguish fires while jumping or walking, but I can see that this limitation is useful and makes the game a bit trickier, like a puzzle game. But otherwise really great work!
Is it supposed to have no sound?
more please
i love this game it was so good and challenging.
waiting for the steam relase
Nice, I beat this, it was just the right amount of challenging and progressive difficulty that kept me coming back for more and more! Looking forward to the Steam release.
Hey cool game. It's on my steam wishlist.
Pleeeease make a native Linux version too. Looking forward to play it on the go with my preordered Steam Deck^_^
On my steam wishlist!
For 48 hours this was original and very well done! I look forward to the final release.
Magic trick candle fire? What? Reminds me of Piemations' Scented Candle short. I then realized that the fire seems to be similar to SCP-310:
As for that short I referenced, here it is:
the purple fire was a bit much don't you think?
Don't try to amnestize me. I noticed the purple fire! Although maybe it's not quite a victory, because I searched for "purple fire" in SCP and nothing useful came up.
I did find some hits for SCP-CU, though, and I don't like it. It may try to be the opposite of horror, but that just creeps me out more.
There was a fire that can't go out on the SCP wiki, maybe that's it except it's a magnesium fire?
Fun fact: the game initially was planned as being part of the SCP universe, but I decided not to in the end because of SCP licensing limitations 🤷♂️
kinda weird, am I right, seeing as SCP:CB and SCP:SL exist
I’m pretty sure many people just don’t care about SCP licensing when releasing a commercial title related to it. But it’s quite explicit about derivative work:
I just suppose that the SCP community just have no way to actually enforce their license, so commercial titles do happen. A good example is Control, which is strongly SCP related, but not officially related, because of this license (the devs did mention that in an interview)
This game in 48h?
Man you are a Genius
Im going to wait the full release on Steam!
The game lacks on sounds
i am stuck on where is says Press space to fire water ( Gamepad X) i am stuck i cant move HEEEEEEEEEEEEEELPPPP[PPP
I really liked the gameplay in your jam entry. I am glad this is turning into a bigger game.
how do we play this after downloading?
cool concept, good gamplay, to fast fire's timer reload xD
wonderfull job
I keep dying in the beginning. No checkpoints or saving I guess?
pog game
Will this be available on MacOS once the full version is released?
wow, that was great!
What did you use to make this
The code is written in Haxe, the engine is Heaps and the level editor is the one I made, LDtk ( Everything is open source, including the game code :)
i can only see a red backgound and player and the black thingy. i dont know why.
no texture is loading
Hi, are you playing on Safari? For some reason, my game has issues on this browser :/
No. iam not playing on Safari. iam playing on Google Chrome.
Hmm strange. On what Operating System? Is it possible for you to try to the downloadable version?
i have a windows and a linux machine. i tried the browser version in my LinuxMint 20.1 with chrome. maybe i guess the downloadable version wont have any problems like this.
This game was fucking awesome.
how the heck do i get out of the tutorial
how do i play like i have githhub but it dosnt work. it shows a million folders but no game file
You can play right here on (click the large image) or on my website.
i cant actually finish the tutorial in the first fire room
Sorry about that, could you please explain precisely what happens, so I can fix it?
Even though there is no sound I kept playing, this is so well made, graphically it's awesome, but also the 'sense of dread' the spreading fire gives is really present. And, it's super impressive you managed to create this in only 48 hours! Really, really good.
so basically chernoble simulator?
Nice graphic! The water effect is amazing!